Plant Room Renovations 2024

The plant room needs some major renovations as it is 44 years old. Last year there were over 25000 users of the pool. That’s an amazing total.

Please see our JustGiving campaign page for details and further information. Or you can donate now using the QR code above*, or the Giving Checkout link below*.
Topsham Pool plant room renovation link to JustGiving fundraising page.

Please use your camera to scan the QR code at the top of the page, or click on the link below to donate via Giving Checkout: you can enter a custom amount to add a “Tip to JustGiving” and set it to £0.00 if you do not wish to add a tip.

*Please note that donations made via Giving Checkout do not immediately appear on our campaign page total: we will add them at the end of each month, along with any comments you make. Gift Aid is processed on our behalf by JustGiving, so we will receive that too.

Donating via Giving Checkout this way does not incur Topsham Pool in any fee, so we receive all of your donation.

Thank you very much for your support.